Regarding responsiveness, the grid systems in IDS development and in the design library are different but should be the same.
According to the design guide:, the dimension of the grid system is: XXL 1440px — 12 columns, 24px gutter, 24px margin; XL 1280px — 12 columns, 24px gutter, 24px margin; L 1024px — 12 columns, 16px gutter, 16px margin; M 840px — 8 columns, 16px gutter, 16px margin; S 600px — 4 columns, 16px gutter, 16px margin; XS 360px — 4 columns, 16px gutter, 16px margin;
The grid system in the development side, the gutter is 20px:;
There will be a new grid system based on mutiple 8pxs will release. Do we follow the new one as the standard? Or adjust the existing ones? when can we use the new grid system?
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