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IDS Enhancement Requests
Categories Components
Created by Erik Backlund
Created on Aug 31, 2022

Make it easer to see that a Data Grid cell is editable

There are a number of issues related to the editable Data Grid design.

1. There are no visual hints (low affordance) that a cell value can be edited until you hover over the specific cell. Then drop down select icons, date picker icons etc appear. Make these visual hints/cues visible at all times. This will make it easier for the user to see that a Data Grid is editable.

2. In the IDS example of an editable Data Grid different cell background colors are used for editable and non editable cells. A grey background color is used for non-editable cells. And white for editable cells.

This has two problems. a) If a Data Grid only has one or two editable columns, the Data Grid will appear very dark and dull. b) The standard non-editable Data Grid cell background color is white (or transparent?). So if you combine two Data Grids on the same panel, one that is non-editable, and one where all cells are editable they look the same.

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  • Pieter Mulder
    May 5, 2023

    Hi all,

    It could make sense if we would try to have some visual object present in the editable field of a grid...
    Similar like a date field for which you have the small date / time icon to open the date / time picker...

    I understand that we need to come up with some common small icon for string fields which do not have any kind of zoom option to another screen.


  • Admin
    Andrew Kopas
    Nov 21, 2022

    Thanks all. We are investigating alternative coloring schemes for the datagrid and its cells. Most likely these lighter, more modern color schemes will only be available in the Web Component based grid, so preparations for adoption therein should be made accordingly.

  • Calvin Kuo
    Nov 8, 2022

    For point 2. there is also the accessibility concern as light gray will not be accessible. Technically it doesn't break the taskflow (if a user cannot see the light gray) as a user will still be able to perform the task eventually, but it will make it have the problem in point 1 (low affordance).