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IDS Enhancement Requests
Categories Components
Created by Parker Erikkson
Created on Dec 6, 2022

Search/Filter Controls are too complex and industrial looking for most users

The fields for searching and filter allow for selecting Starts With, Equals, Contains, etc.

Thos are powerful capabilities, but they make our screens look very complex and technical. For causal users like a Candidate, they aren't being understood. For most Power Users they seldom change. The default visual is to show characters like [A]v or something similar for every field. The customer feedback is it isn't very user friendly and for filter rows often takes up a lot of valuable space.

It would be great to find a way to not have the default display so much technical information.

Update: 12/7/2022

Another idea is just have a screen level toggle like we do for Edit Mode.

Attaching a screen shot with default OFF and then the user can select some option like Search Mode…..or some other phrase.

Then the screen converts to what it is today.

Yes a person would have to do this every time. But if they do it that much then they could just turn on the feature with User Configuration.

I casual user might run across the “Search Mode” and turn it on. If so, who cares as it doesn’t stay on.

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  • Admin
    Laken Renick
    Dec 20, 2022

    Hi Parker and Jared,

    The IDS team is currently reevaluating and reworking the Search & Filter pattern display/functionality under Jira ticket IDS-597.. Our new design and functionality should satisfy the details of this request. Thanks again for your submission!

  • Admin
    Andrew Kopas
    Dec 6, 2022

    Thanks for submitting! We'll review and reach out with any questions.

  • Jared Pickering
    Dec 6, 2022

    Our initial approach:

    The goal is to retain functionality but hide the clutter that confuses our casual users. Search is search to them, mostly our FSM power users want to modify those values when getting specific. How this is approached can still be discussed and should be user tested.