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IDS Enhancement Requests
Categories Components
Created by Emma Eriksson
Created on Jan 13, 2023

Iconpicker component

Add an Iconpicker component for use cases that requires the user to select an icon.

Use Cases

In Homepages/Portal v2, we currently have multiple use cases for where the user have the option to select an icon:

* Selecting icon for a link in Menu widget
* Selecting icons for content on Dynamic Pages/Workspaces

It would be good to have an IDS component for this, just like we have for Colorpicker.

User Stories

As a user, I want to be able to search for a icon, so that I can find a specific icon quickly

As a user, I want to be able see the icons grouped alphabetically, so that I can find a specific icon quickly

As a developer, I want to be able to define which icons to be included in the iconpicker, so that I can exclude specific icons based on my specific use case


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    Maksim Petriv
    Sep 15, 2023

    Great suggestion. Some questions to consider. How many icons are in the picker? If there are a lot of icons do we need a search bar? Is this only for system icons or can we support other types of assets.

    My general feeling on this is that while it would be interesting to create a common way to do this, this is actually a collection of IDS components in a pattern.

  • William Hernebrink
    Feb 8, 2023

    In M3 Experience Designer, the designers are able to choose icons for toolbar buttons. Right now we have a dropdown with a set of icons to select from, but it would be sweet with a standard component for this. 👌