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IDS Enhancement Requests
Status Will not implement
Categories Visual Assets
Created by Fahad Hasany
Created on Jul 27, 2023

Icon Request: Pending Approval

Requesting an icon to represent Pending Approval. This may be an all purpose icon on an element to signify the status of the request is pending approval from a manager or scheduler.

Scenario: When an employee in WFM bids on a shift, that shift needs to be approved by a manager/scheduler before they are assigned the shift. An icon would help differentiate that shift card from others by signifying it is waiting on approval.

Attaching an example I mocked up. This is specifically for a billboard shift, another idea might be a Billboard with a hand raised/thumbs up.

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  • Admin
    Laken Renick
    Aug 8, 2023

    Hi Fahad, the IDS Design team is currently updating our iconography set for the September release. Because of the update, we are not accepting new iconography requests until later this year.

    Looking at your mockup, existing icons can work here also. The line item includes the words "Pending Approval" to give context, so you could use misc.svg or marquee.svg as the icon here instead. It will inform the user that the bid has not been formally accepted and will go along with the billboard shapes.