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IDS Enhancement Requests
Categories Components
Created by Angela Chang
Created on Oct 2, 2023

Suggesting a significant change to the toolbar to show different types.

The standalone style is similar to the disabled state. Suggesting a significant change to the toolbar to show different types.

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  • Angela Chang
    Dec 1, 2023

    Hi Laken, I wanted to provide more context regarding my use of the toolbar component. My goal is to use the toolbar for a specific action mode. By default, it will display the actions that users can perform without selecting any cells. After an action is performed, the toolbar should change to indicate that the user is now in a mode where they can select cells to apply the desired action. I hope this explanation clarifies my needs. Please let me know if you require any further information.

  • Admin
    Laken Renick
    Oct 3, 2023

    Hi Angela, thanks for the suggestion! I made a ticket for IDS designer evaluation and it's being tracked under this Jira ticket:

    IDS-1716 - Standalone toolbar: looks similar to disabled state